Speaking of milestones...first steps at 6/12 months?? I'm not sure whether to count this as her first steps, but Addelyn did take four controlled steps the other day!
After that, I had to run out and get her one of those toys that she can push around:
Now that Addelyn is sitting much better, I decided to start bathing her in the bathtub. She LOVES it! Her favorite thing to do is lay down and kick and splash! Her first bath in the big girl tub was on November 1.
Jake's birthday was yesterday, and for it mommy made daddy a nice dinner (rainbow trout with green beans and cous-cous) and Addelyn fingerpainted daddy a picture (that was an adventure...). To my utter surprise, Addelyn only tried to eat the paint/paper one time!
The "Before" |
The "After" |
The work of art |
The Happy Daddy |
Age: 6 3/4 months
Weight: 19 lbs, 3 oz
Length: 26.5 inches
Drinks: about 5 7oz bottles of milk per day (1/2 of which is formula)
Eats: baby oatmeal mixed with 1/2 jar of veggie or meat baby food at bedtime, & rice cereal mixed with 1/2 jar of veggie baby food followed by 1/2 jar of fruit at lunch time. Her favorite is bananas and her least favorite are peas and chicken.
Sleeps: 11 hours/night - 9pm-8am (usually wakes up around 4am for a bottle)
Naps: 2 hours after lunch and 2 hours in the evening (5-7)
Awake for: 2.5-5 hours at a time during the day.
Clothes size: mainly 6-9 month, some 12 month
Motor skills: sitting up unattended, rolling over tummy-to-back and back-to-tummy, rocking on hands and knees, standing while holding on to something, standing alone momentarily, scooching, pulling herself up to standing, and we're working on getting onto hands and knees from sitting without falling over.
other skills: babbling, going backwards in her walker, shaking a rattle
words: no words yet...unless you count mama, but I don't think she knows what it means.
signs: she understands "milk" and "up" and we're working on "change diaper", "help", "out", "fall down", "play", "tired", "night night", "book", "bye bye", and "eat"