Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Baby's First Thanksgiving

We had a wonderful (and BUSY) Thanksgiving!  Addelyn got to see lots of relatives and made leaps and bounds in her large motor development over the weekend (which surprised me given how much she was held that weekend :-).

There was definitely no shortage of people willing to hold Addelyn!

So, with all of the love and attention that Addelyn got over the weekend, she learned so many things, such as:
Play the piano (November 24):
This was the first time Addelyn played the piano - Addelyn especially likes the high notes

Addelyn also found her tongue for the first time (on November 25), she had so much fun sticking her tongue out at Uncle Rob, and having 8 adults react so positively certainly helped to encourage her!

Addelyn learned a couple of large motor skills over Thanksgiving weekend, too.  On November 24, Addelyn crawled on her hands and knees for the first time - she still only goes a couple of inches on hands and knees before she gives up and goes to her belly, but it'll happen soon, especially if Aunt Becki keeps working with her :-)

Addelyn also learned to "cruise" along furniture (11/25), she got to a sitting position from laying down (11/24, but she hasn't been able to do it since), and she got really good at pulling herself up to a standing position from sitting or laying (11/23), though she's been pulling herself to standing since November 1.  And last but certainly not least...

Addelyn learned to FLY!

On Thanksgiving Addelyn played with her great-grandparents,

Got loved on by her cousins,

And Addelyn even provided the placecards for Thanksgiving dinner :-)

Addelyn had fun with her Thanksgiving art project
Age:  7 3/4 months
Weight:  19 lbs, 8 oz
Length:  26.5 inches
Drinks:  about 4 7oz bottles of milk per day (8 oz of which is formula)
Eats: 1/2-1 jar of veggie or meat baby food and a jar of fruit at bedtime, & rice cereal mixed or a jar of veggie baby food followed by 1/2-1 jar of fruit at lunch time.  Her favorite is bananas and her least favorite are peas and chicken.
Sleeps: 12-13 hours/night - 9pm-10:30am  (usually wakes up around 1am and 8am for a bottle)
Naps: 1.5 hours after lunch and 1 hour in the evening (6-7)
Awake for: 2.5-5 hours at a time during the day.
Clothes size:  mostly 12 month
Motor skills:  sitting up unattended, rolling over tummy-to-back and back-to-tummy, crawling short distances on hands and knees, standing while holding on to something, standing alone for up to a minute, scooching, pulling herself up to standing, getting onto hands and knees from sitting without falling over, and "cruising" on furniture.
other skills:  babbling, going backwards in her walker (REALLY well!), shaking a rattle, playing piano
words:  mama
signs:  she's starting to wave and she understands "milk" and "up" and we're working on "change diaper", "help", "out", "fall down", "play", "tired", "night night", "book", "bye bye", and "eat"