Monday, September 23, 2013


Addelyn started preschool this month!  She goes twice per week for 3 hours.

 Addelyn has had a great first couple of weeks at preschool.  She hasn't cried from missing me at all - not when I'm leaving her at the beginning or at any point during the morning when I'm gone.  I'm so excited about that, because I don't think I could leave her if she was crying!

She did have one incident on the playground where a little boy hit her.  From what I can gather from Addelyn, she was playing in the little play house and the little boy wanted to play in it.  He hit her, she cried and Miss Julie, her teacher, comforted her.  This was on the second day of preschool, and we've had many conversations about the incident since then.  At first she replayed it over and over, then we talked about what she could do next time (say "I don't like that!" and go tell Miss Julie), and now she wants to role-play it a lot - where I play the agressor and she is herself.  I never actually hit her, of course, but we act out the situation, then she yells "I don't like that" as she runs away and pretends one of her dolls is the teacher.

As much as I hate that it happened - I never want her heart to break, and imagine it did - this is what we're sending her to preschool for - to socialize her and for her to learn how to interact with other kids her age.

Aside from the one incident, Addelyn has been enjoying herself.  The preschool has a lot of toys that we don't have at home, as well as play-dough, a water/sensory bucket, plenty of art/drawing opportunities, and (Addelyn's favorite) they go outside and play on the playground every day for 45 minutes.  Addelyn loves to play outside and we just don't get out much, especially not this summer, because Nova is still so little and it's been so, so hot.  I've asked Addelyn what her favorite part of preschool is several times and the answer is always the same:  "playing outside"

There is a bit of structure to her day along with the free play.  They have "circle time" where Miss Julie reads the class a book and they dance to music.  They also have a snack, provided by one of the children who also gets to help pass out the plates/silverware.  Addelyn's turn for snack helper is coming up this Thursday and I can't wait to hear her story from that day!

7 months, 1.5 weeks

While Addelyn is at preschool Nova and I get some quality time together.  Nova is so happy during this time!  I can just tell she's excited to have my undivided attention.  Nova uses the time to do things like practice walking... with all of Addelyn's toys that she doesn't usually get to play with, nap on mommy, and, surprisingly, play independently.  Nova is surprisingly independent during this time - I think it's because it's quiet, so there's nothing to startle her, and she doesn't feel threatened by Addelyn's presence taking up my attention, so if Nova were to want my attention, she'd have it immediately.

I use the time to play with Nova, primarily, but I also like to do some photo shoots and we've gone to a garage sale or two on the way to/from preschool :-)

All in all, preschool has been an awesome thing for everyone involved, and I'm looking forward to what the rest of the year brings!

Here's a few more pictures from today!

Addelyn insisted that the doll be in the picture as well.

Sisterly love :-)

Sweet, sweet girl!

Addelyn Stats:
Age: 29.5 months
Weight: 30 lbs
Length: 35ish inches
Drinks: about 2 6-ounce sippys of milk per day (all of which is regular whole-milk) with meals and a couple of drinks of milk before bed every night
Eats: whatever I can get her to eat for breakfast - lately it's been cereal and a fruit; leftovers for lunch (spagetti, sandwiches etc...); and noodles or other leftovers or, if she finds it acceptable, whatever we're having for dinner.  I try really hard to get a fruit, a veggie, a grain, and a protein in her every day.
Sleeps: 8:30pm-7 or 8 am.  Most nights she sleeps all night
Naps: 2-3 hours per day her nap is 4 or 5 hours after she wakes up for the day, though some days she doesn't take one at all.
Awake for:4-7 hours at a time during the day.
Clothes size:  2T pants and 3T shirts
Motor skills: jumping, running, putting on shoes and sometimes dresses and skirts.  Getting close to a summersault.
other skills:pretend plays very well - loves to 'cook' in her kitchen and take care of her dollies, as well as pretend to be other people and play with imaginary toys.  Recognizes letters, numbers, shapes and colors very well and is starting to read small words
words: Hundreds...if not thousands.  She speaks in full sentences now and can say anything she needs to.  
signs:  over 100 - now that she's started talking we've learned less new signs, but since Nova came we are signing a lot more now.

Nova Stats:
Age: 8 months
Weight: 18 something...
Length: haven't measured recently.  Probably around 28 inches, though.
Drinks: no idea...she nurses about 8 or 9 times per day
Eats: 3 times per day.  I've given up on purees and she only eats finger foods that she can feed herself.  She likes pretty much anything that fits in those parameters.
Sleeps: 8:30pm-7am.  Most nights I feed her and put her down at 8:30, then feed her again when I go to bed, then she wakes up twice or three times before I'm ready to get up for the day.
Naps: 10-minute morning nap 2 hours after she wakes up, 1-hour (if I'm lucky) afternoon nap 2 hours after she wakes up from morning nap, and 10-minute evening nap around 5.
Awake for: 2-4 hours at a time
Clothes size:  some 3-6 monts (onsies etc...) but mostly 6 and 6-9 months (sleepers...).  Though I really need to get out the 12-months stuff.
Motor skills: crawling, pulling to standing, standing without support well, walking 10-15 steps at a time.  
other skills:stranger anxiety is getting a little better, she can do the clover thing with her tongue :-)
words: Dada, Mama, Ada, Buh (up)
signs:  hi/bye, yay (clapping), and maybe ball.  We're working on 'up', 'Mama', 'Dada', 'Nova', 'Dance', 'ball', 'Milk', 'all done', and 'more'