Despite battling colds, fevers, and ear infections, we had a great Halloween this year. Our festivities started on October 25 when we had a "Trunk or Treat" with Moms Club. Everybody parked in the parking lot at a park and passed out candy to trick-or-treaters from trunks decked out in all of the traditional Halloween decorations.
Addelyn was Tinkerbell this year...Addelyn LOVES Tinkerbell :-) |
Nova was the same bunny that Addelyn was 2 years ago, complete with the same ears, costume, and carrot |
On Halloween day, Addelyn dressed up as Tinkerbell again for the costume parade at her pre-school. I just love the little rope that the 2-year-olds hold onto while they practice their line-walking skills!
This is Addelyn with the rest of her pre-school class. It looks like Addelyn is a bit separated from the rest of the might have something to do with her progress report saying that she was "working on" the skill of interacting well with other children (rather than being "good" at it). Poor girl...she definitely is my daughter. I'm still working on the skill of interacting well with my peers, too, kid.
It's not that she's mean to them, she just doesn't really want anything to do with them most of the time. I think she'd just rather play by herself than with a peer at this point. Maybe she'll get there eventually. She's only 2 after all. But I digress...
Right after Addelyn had her costume party at pre-school we met daddy for lunch then went to Nova's Mommy and Me group where we had another costume party, this time with 8-to-12-month-olds:
I just LOVE the way Addelyn always has a protective hand on Nova when they're in a group setting together. She's such a wonderful older sister! |
Nice smile, kid. Nova was not happy, if you can't tell, she had been crying. |
Us with the mommy-and-me group. There were a LOT of babies! |
After we got home from Mommy and Me, Nova went down for a nap and Addelyn and I carved pumpkins. Here's Addelyn with her pumpkin before we started carving:
The process of carving was quite cute. I took a video of it for entertainment :-) It was quite long, so I sped it up and tried to slow it down for most of the cute things she said.
...And here's Addelyn with the finished product (along with the pumpkin that I carved).
All dressed up for trick-or-treating! |
Still super cute! |
mmmmm...found the candy bowl! |
Got one! |
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