Wednesday, August 24, 2011

One Pink Tutu and Two Pink Eyes

Guess who has pink-eye?  Addelyn!  She woke up Sunday morning with both of her eyes COVERED in goo.  Being the first-time mother, I decided this could not wait until Monday, so we got ourselves a Sunday-morning doctor appointment.  They confirmed that it was pink eye and gave us some eyedrops.  I'm quite surprised - Addelyn has been doing very well with the eyedrops.  If I get her to look at Jake while I'm doing it, she just blinks a bit after the drops go in and she doesn't even fuss about it, really.  The first time I put them in I did it the hard way - me holding her down and prying her eyes open and her screaming.  I'm glad we've come to a better arrangement.

I didn't have the heart to take a picture of Addelyn with her eyes all covered with nasty goo, so here's a picture of her from yesterday - you can see the corners of her eyes are pretty red and irritated from either the eye drops or from the drainage from her eyes.  It's much better now than it was even yesterday, so I think we're on the downhill slope.

In other news, Addelyn LOVES the rice cereal with apple added that we've been giving her.  The first couple of times we fed her solid foods we just gave her plain rice cereal.  It was not met with enthusiasm.  Then daddy took pity on her and got her some rice cereal that had apple and cinnamon in it.  The first time we gave that to her she finished the whole bowl.  Since it has twice the sugar as just plain rice cereal I've since started mixing it half-and-half with the regular stuff.  I don't think she can tell the difference...

That picture was actually of the very first time we fed her on August 15.  The photo credit goes to my nephew Elijah who was staying with us that week.  (Addelyn was enthralled with Elijah - there's something about older children that just captivates babies...)

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