Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Pretty People and Pretty Things

Addelyn might just be the most spoiled baby I've ever known.  It seems like every time I turn around she's getting something big and new.  This weekend it was doubly true, I think, because she came in contact with so many grandparents.  She now has a new walker and a new chair (on loan from someone from church).  She also has a new pair of shoes that she loves.  Yesterday was the first time she wore them and she had a huge grin from ear to ear as she was walking around the living room in them.  Then we went outside to play and she walked all around the yard.  I think she likes the way they feel on her feet.

The walker only had three height settings and even the lowest one was still more than an inch too high for Addelyn to be able to actually walk.  So, I took her walker apart yesterday and added another height setting. Now she LOVES it.  She figured out right away that she could move, and she works so hard at it but she can only go backwards as of yet...

This weekend we all went to Des Moines for Addelyn's Aunt Becki's white coat ceremony.  The ceremony was a bit long for a 4-month-old, so we left her in Mingo with Aunt Tara and cousins Kylie and Madison.  Then afterward, Addelyn had two sets of great-grandparents over to see her in Mingo and I also finally got some good pictures of Addelyn with my family, so here they are :-)  (All taken on August 27).

Addelyn with Grandma Sienkiewicz

Papa even held Addelyn long enough to get a nice picture!

Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa Brown

Addelyn with cousins Kylie and Madison.  It is adorable how intrigued Madison is with Addelyn.

It occurs to me now that I forgot to get one with Tara and Addelyn...next time...

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