Thursday, September 29, 2011

Talking up a Storm

We're almost there!!  I learned that babies "practice" their large motor skills in their sleep before they start showing these abilities while awake.  And Addelyn is no exception to that rule!  Last night I saw her roll over from her back to her stomach TWICE.  It was so surreal - something she has such a hard time with when she's awake and playing she just does like it's no big deal in her sleep.  Amazing.  That being said, I think Addelyn will be rolling all over the place pretty soon :-)

I don't have a video of Addelyn rolling over yet, but here's quite a long one of her "talking"  She's just started to babble, and it's sooooo cute!  The video's a long one...I just couldn't stop taping!  Even though it's a common thing and that every baby does it, I can't help but be amazed and enthralled at every little new thing she does.  This video was taken late in the evening, so she was getting a little tired and crabby (you can tell by the way she can't decide whether to laugh or cry).  It didn't help that she wanted me to pick her up and I was just sitting there looking at her, and at the end she has a bit of a coughing fit.  No, she's not sick, she just takes after me and occasionally inhales her spit then chokes on it... graceful, I know.

And now, more pictures.  Here are some of my favorite recent pictures:

I love these pajamas!!

Addelyn is pushing up on her arms very well now.

Addelyn always loves bathtime!

I think I'll start doing some stats, that way when I have more babies and when Addelyn grows up I can remember how big Addelyn was and what she was doing at this age:

Age:  5 1/2 months
Weight:  16 lbs, 11 oz
Length:  26.5 inches
Drinks:  about 5 7oz bottles of milk per day (4 oz of which is formula)
Eats:  4 teaspoons of rice cereal per day
Sleeps: 12 hours/night - 9pm-9am  (usually wakes up around 2am for binkie and 5 or 7am for bottle)
Naps: 2 or 3 1-hour naps/day occasionally a 2-hour nap
Awake for: 1.5-3.5 hours at a time during the day.
Clothes size:  mainly 6-9 month and some 3-6 month
Motor skills:  sitting up almost unattended, rolling over tummy-to-back
other skills:  she just started babbling :-)
words:  no words yet...unless you count mama, but I don't think she knows what it means.
signs:  she understands "milk" and we're working on "change diaper", "help", "out", "up", "fall down", "play", "tired", "night night", "book", "bye bye", and "eat"

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